Vavarath is a remote, under developed, illiterate, inaccessible village in Rahuri Taluk of Ahmednagar District inhabited only by nomads Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. It is a village cut off by the backwaters of Jnaneshwar Sagar dam and Khare Karjune long distance firing range of the Indian Military. There are no public or private means of transportation. The Vincentians ventured in to this village purely on humanitarian grounds. Vavarath mission was started by Fr. Thomas Mullenmadackel when he was the Mission Superior of Ahmednagar Mission. He started to visit the village from Ahmednagar, since July 1999 to establish a mission station here. He got a 3 acre land as donation from Mr. Jabbaji Bachkar to start the school, clinic and other activities of the Mission..
Fr. Mullenmadackel started a school in local Marathi medium here from 5th to 10th grade for the benefit of the tribal people of the area. In the beginning the school started with 1st standard but it did not get recognition. So he converted the school as high school with 5th and 8th standards as there are no High Schools around 20 kilometers and got it recognized in 2003. Now we run the school from 5th to 10th grade and every year about 30 students pass out from 10th grade. In June 2014 govt. grant was given to the high school section (8 to 10) and now the school is an aided one. After the starting of the school lot of students started to have quality education and higher studies and it changed the culture of the village. Almost 280 students passed out of the school in 12 different batches and except one year, every year we have 100% result. In 2011, Maharashtra govt. awarded us “Nirmal Shala Puraskar” for the best school campus in the District..
Since the people here are mostly nomads students are not regular to school. Hence we started hostel both for boys and girls. Almost 60 boys and 45 girls are accommodated here. The girls’ hostel is attached to Snehasadan CMC convent and boys’ hostel is attached to De Paul centre..